Correction and Addendum to Measles Resurgence in the USA: How International Travel Compounds Vaccine Resistance

In the paper that appeared last week, we wish to correct the list of countries travel from which presents the greatest risk to the U.S. in 2019. The following correction will appear in The Lancet Infectious Diseases: The list of countries that pose the highest risk of measles to the USA was been corrected to …

Measles Resurgence in the USA: How International Travel Compounds Vaccine Resistance

Lauren Gardner (now at Johns Hopkins University) and I, along with Aleksa Zlojutro (UNSW Sydney) and Kamran Khan (University of Toronto) have just published this paper in The Lancet Infectious Diseases. It is a spatial risk analysis for measles in the United States. Our point of departure was the spatial analysis of the antivaccine movement in …